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Books (for journal articles, see below)

Bricks, Taxes and Spending: Solutions for Housing Equity across Levels of Government, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, October 2023 (edited with Hyun-A Kim).

Fiscal Federalism 2022: Making Decentralisation Work, OECD Publishing, Paris, January 2022 (edited with Junghun Kim).

Making Property Tax Reform Happen in China: A Review of Property Tax Design and Reform Experiences in OECD Countries, OECD Publishing, November 2021 (with Pietrangelo de Biase).

Local Public Finance and Capacity Building in Asia: Issues and Challenges, OECD and KIPF, Paris, December 2020 (edited with J. Kim).

Ageing and Fiscal Challenges across Levels of Government, OECD and KIPF, Paris, October 2020 (edited with J. Kim).

Fiscal Decentralisation and Inclusive Growth in Asia, OECD and KIPF, Paris, June 2019 (edited with J. Kim).

Fiscal Decentralisation and Inclusive Growth, OECD and KIPF, Paris, May 2018 (edited with J. Kim).

Regulation and trade in development: Explaining productivity at the firm level, Doctoral dissertation, Paris School of Economics, Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, April 2013.


OECD Economic Survey of Mexico, OECD Publishing, Paris, January 2017 (with Julien Reynaud and Mabel Gabriel).

OECD Economic Survey of Chile, OECD, Paris, November 2015 (with Eduardo Olaberría). [articles in EFE; and elsewhere]

OECD Economic Survey of Mexico, OECD, Paris, January 2015 (with Eduardo Olaberría and Valery Dugain). [articles in El Financiero; and elsewhere]

OECD Economic Survey of Chile, OECD, Paris, October 2013 (with Aida Caldera Sanchez and Carla Valdivia). [column in Estrategia; and articles elsewhere]

OECD Economic Survey of Mexico, OECD, Paris, May 2013 (with Aida Caldera Sanchez and Carla Valdivia). [articles in The Economist; and elsewhere]

OECD Going for Growth 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, OECD, Paris and Washington, DC (co-editor). [articles in The Economist; and elsewhere]

OECD Economic Survey of India, OECD, Paris, October 2007 (with Richard Herd, Paul Conway, and Willi Leibfritz). [articles in The Economist; the Outlook; and other press]

OECD Economic Survey of China, OECD, Paris, September 2005 (with Richard Herd, Margit Molnar, and Charles Pigott). [articles in The Economist; the CEQ; and other press]

Performing Research and Development Abroad: International Comparisons of Value and Price, Report to the National Science Foundation, 2003 (with Bart van Ark, Robert Inklaar, and Robert H. McGuckin). Appendicies

"ICT and Productivity in Europe and the United States: Where Do the Differences Come From?", The Conference Board Report E-0013-03-WP, October 2003 (with Bart van Ark, Robert H. McGuckin and Robert Inklaar).

"Restructuring Chinese Enterprises: Effects of Federalism and Privatization Initiatives on Business", The Conference Board, Report R-1311-02-RR, December 2001 (with R.H. McGuckin).

Journal publications and chapters (for books, see above)

"Long-term projections: Different paths to fiscal sustainability of health systems", in Fiscal Sustainability of Health Systems, OECD Publishing, Jan. 2024 (with Luca Lorenzon and Pietrangelo de Biase).

"Housing supply responsiveness across levels of government: Novel evidence on tax and spending autonomy", in Bricks, Taxes and Spending, OECD Publishing, Oct. 2023 (with Frank van Hoenselaar and Boris Cournède).

"Reducing housing inequity: What can governments do?" in Bricks, Taxes and Spending, OECD Publishing, Oct. 2023 (with Peter Hoeller and Junghum Kim).

"Financing and delivering early childhood education and childcare across levels of government", OECD Journal on Budgeting, Vol. 23(2), 2023 (with Christian Morabito).

"Going global, locally? Decentralized environmental expenditure and air quality", Public Sector Economics, Vol. 46(4), 2022 (with Andoni Montes).

"Understanding differences in health care spending: a comparative study of prices and volumes across OECD countries", Health Services Insights, Vol. 15, 2022 (with Luca Lorenzoni).

"The impact of decentralisation on the performance of health care systems: A non-linear relationship", European Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 23, 2022 (with Luca Lorenzoni, Alberto Marino and Fabrice Murtin).

"Who absorbs the shock? An analysis of the fiscal impact of the COVID-19 crisis on different levels of government", Journal of International Economics and Economic Policy, Vol. 18, 2021 (with Pietrangelo de Biase).

"Independent Oversight Bodies: Lessons from Fiscal, Productivity and Regulatory Institutions" (with Andrea Renda and Lisa von Trapp), in Plaatjies, D. (ed.) (2021), Making Institutions Work, HSRC Press, Cape Town.

"COVID-19 and fiscal relations across levels of government", Tackling Coronavirus (COVID-19), July 2020 (with Camila Vammalle, Pietrangelo De Biase and Kass Forman).

"Synthesising good practices in fiscal federalism", OECD Economic Policy Papers, No. 28, March 2020 (with Kass Forman and Hansjörg Blöchliger).

"Decentralisation in the health sector and responsibilities across levels of government: Impact on spending decisions and the budget" and "Performance measurement systems in the health sector and their budgetary implications", in OECD Journal on Budgeting, Special Issue on Health, Vol. 19, Issue 3, December 2019 (with Ivor Beazley, Caroline Penn, Leah Phillips and Chris James).

"Decentralisation in a globalised world: Consequences and opportunities " (with Robin Boadway), in Dougherty, S. and J. Kim (eds.), Fiscal Decentralisation and Inclusive Growth in Asia, OECD and KIPF, Paris, June 2019.

"What policies to combat labour informality? Evidence from Mexico", Applied Economics, Vol. 51, 2019 (with Octavio Escobar).

"Globalisation, Decentralisation and Inclusive Growth" (with Oguzhan Akgun), in Dougherty, S. and J. Kim (eds.), Fiscal Decentralisation and Inclusive Growth, OECD and KIPF, Paris, May 2018.

"Pro-Productivity Institutions: Learning from National Experience", International Productivity Monitor, Spring, No. 32, 2017. Also issued as OECD Productivity Working Paper Nº7, OECD Global Forum on Productivity and CEPS (with Andrea Renda).

"Domestic Regulation, Import Penetration and Firm-Level Productivity Growth", Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 26(3), 2017. Also issued as Paris School of Economics G-MonD Working Paper No. 38 and as OECD Working Paper No. 980 (with S. Ben Yahmed).

"Could Mexico become the new `China'? Policy drivers of firm-level competitiveness," European Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2016. Also issued as OECD Productivity Working Paper Nº4.

"Legal reform, contract enforcement and firm size in Mexico," Review of International Economics, Vol. 22, No. 4, September 2014. Also issued as OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 1042.

"State-level Labour Reform and Firm-level Productivity in India," India Policy Forum (Brookings-NCAER), 2013-14 (with Verónica C. Frisancho Robles and Kala Krishna). Also issued as "Employment Protection Legislation and Plant-Level Productivity in India," NBER Working Paper No. 17693 and OECD Economics Dept. Working Paper No. 917. Based partially on this dataset of state-level Indian labor regulations and practices. [Related article in the New York Times, Dec 1, 2011.]

"Boosting Growth Potential (Chapter 1)," and "Fiscal Policy to Support Inclusiveness (Chapter 3)" in Getting It Right: A Strategic Agenda for Reforms in Mexico, OECD Publishing, 2013 (Ch. 3 with B. Brys).

"The GDP Impact of Reform: A Simple Simulation Framework," Report for OECD Economic Policy Committee Working Party No. 1, used in OECD reports to the G20. Also issued as OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 834, 2011/12 (with S. Barnes, R. Bouis, P. Briard, M. Eris).

"Long-term Growth and Policy Challenges in the Large Emerging Economies," in OECD Going for Growth, 2010. Also issued as OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 755, 2010 (with P. Conway and A. Radziwill).

"Incorporating Terms-of-Trade Gains and Losses into International Income Comparisons," in OECD Going for Growth, 2010 (with Hervé Boulhol).

"Labour regulation and employment dynamics at the state level in India," Review of Market Integration, Vol. 1 (2009), No. 3. Dataset available here. [Related article in the Business Standard, Jan 10, 2008.] Also issued as OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 624.

"India's growth pattern and obstacles to higher growth," "What is Holding Back Productivity Growth in India? Recent Microevidence," OECD Economic Studies, Vol. 45 (2009), No. 1. Also issued as OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 523 (with R. Herd, T. Chalaux, and A. Erumban).

"Priorities for Growth in OECD Economies," in Carlos Braga (editor), Innovation and Catch-up in a Globalized World, OECD and The World Bank, 2009 (with Sven Blöndal).

"Improving human capital formation in India," OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 625, 2008 (with R. Herd). Elaboration of last chapter of 2007 OECD Economic Survey of India, including micro-based estimates of rates of return to education.

"The structure and location of business R&D: recent trends and measurement implications," International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, Vol. 4 (2008), Issue 1/2 (with B. van Ark, R. Inklaar, and R.H. McGuckin).

"Growth Prospects in China and India Compared." European Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 4 (2007), No. 1 (with R. Herd).

"Has a Private Sector Emerged in China's Industry? Evidence from a Quarter of a Million Chinese Firms," China Economic Review, Vol. 18 (2007), No. 3. Also issued as "Fast-falling barriers and growing concentration: the emergence of a private economy in China," OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 471 (with R. Herd). [Focus of debate with Yasheng Huang OpEd in the Financial Times (Feb 1/6, 2007), elaborated in Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics.]

"International Comparisons of R&D Expenditures: Does an R&D PPP make a difference?," in Ernst R. Berndt and Charles M. Hulten (eds.), Hard-to-Measure Goods and Services: Essays in Honor of Zvi Griliches, University of Chicago Press, 2007. Also issued as NBER Working Paper No. 12829 (with Robert Inklaar, Robert H. McGuckin, and Bart van Ark).

"The Effect of Federalism on Productivity in Chinese Firms," Management and Organization Review, Vol. 4 (2008), Issue 1 (with R.H. McGuckin).

"Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development in China," in Carsten Fink and Keith E. Maskus (eds.), Empirical Investigations of the Effects of Intellectual Property Protection on Market Structure, Trade, and Direct Foreign Investment, The World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2005 (with Keith E. Maskus and Andrew Mertha).

"Strategic Issues for the Chinese Economy," Economic and Financial Review, Vol. 11, No. 3, Autumn 2004.

"Federalism and the Impetus for Reform in China," China Law and Practice, Vol. 15 No. 4, May 2002 (with R.H. McGuckin).

Shorter articles

"Deploying artificial intelligence and data analytics to support intergovernmental fiscal relations", Policy Brief, OECD Network on Fiscal Relations, December 2024.

OECD Intergovernmental Fiscal Outlook, May & December 2023 (with Acauã Brochado).

"State and local government finances in the time of COVID-19," VoxEU, October 2021 (with Pietrangelo de Biase).

"Minimising the health, social and economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis: Co-ordination across levels of government is key," OECD Forum Blog, May 2020 (with Dorothee Allain-Dupré, Isabelle Chatry and Camila Vammalle).

« Comment la décentralisation budgétaire peut promouvoir une croissance inclusive », Revue européenne et internationale de droit fiscal (REIDF), Vol. 2019(1) (with Pascal Saint-Amans).

"Fiscal decentralisation and inclusive growth?," OECD ECOScope, July 12, 2018.

"How deregulation and globalisation interact to boost economic growth," VoxEU, January 20, 2017 (with Sarra Ben Yahmed).

"Mexico’s reforms are paying off, but there is much left to do," OECD ECOScope, January 9, 2017 (with Mabel Gabriel, Patrick Lenain, and Julien Reynaud).

"Is Mexico a new 'China'?," OECD ECOScope, July 7, 2016.

"Job protection reform in India," VoxEU, May 8, 2014 (with Veronica Frisancho and Kala Krishna).

"Secrets of Mexico's Pacto," Latin Business Chronicle, June 7, 2013.

"The Beijing Consensus, the Delhi Discord and other Myths," China Research, March 7, 2012.

"China’s economy, India’s economy, comparative development: an introduction," European Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 6 (2009), No. 2 (with Vittorio Valli).

"China and India: Making sense of innovation and growth," OECD Observer, Paris, January 2008.

"Why do the Chinese save so much?," Les Echos, Paris, December 2007. Excerpt and translation.

"Constraining labour gains," Business Standard, New Delhi, Oct 28, 2007 (with Alok Sheel).

"China and India's growth and the consequences of demographics," Constructif, Vol. 14, Paris, June 2006.

"China's economy: A remarkable transformation," OECD Observer, Paris, October 2005 (with R. Herd).